Unmasking Tips

Hello my fellow bloggers! I've been finding numerous beauty and fashion tips that I would like to centralize so you can keep up with them. I have also found many many facial masks recipes that I am also going to share. Also staying healthy is another way of staying beautiful.. So healthy tips are on its way ♥

If you have any tips, remedies, regiments, receipes, or anything that you would like to share to help keep beautiful, younger, fashionista's; please email me! I would be sure to give you credit for whatever you provide ♥


 Keep your hair out of your face to prevent having pimples and other blemishes.
A lot of people think that eating only twice a day can make them slimmer. Actually, it is better to have 4-5 mini meals a day with 2-3 hours intervals than have 2 big meals only.
Never put blush on the apples of the cheeks. Keep it BELOW the cheekbone and away from the eyes.
To have sparkly teeth, rub them with a dry bay leaf twice weekly.
Rid yourself of any insecurities. If your shoulders are slouching and you have a scared look on your face you will look bad even in a Gucci & Manolo shoes.
Using baby shampoo is good for dyed hair.
Bathing in essential oils can help fight cellulite.
Bathing in almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil relieves dry skin,
even in the harshest winter months :) prevents from getting those flaky dry skin patches too!!
Mind your style, from top to bottom. There are two things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes.
You will look younger when you wear less makeup.
To get lighter skin, apply a paste of ground fresh mint leaves on the skin. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing it with cold water. Do this for 15 days.
Cheese and yoghurt help prevent dental cavities.
To reduce obesity, make a habit of eating ripe tomato in the morning.
Applying pure castor oil on the face prevents wrinkles.

Never skip a meal because it slows down your metabolism. It will not make you slimmer, just sick.
Keep your hair out of your face to prevent having pimples and other blemishes.
Rubbing slices of red onion on freckles twice daily can remove it.
Placing potato slices on the face reduces skin blemishes.
To treat and prevent cracked heels, soak your feet in lemon juice for around 10 minutes. Do this weekly.

Facial Mask to Nourish Your Skin
Banana Avocado Mask

  • 1/2 over-ripe banana
  • 1/2 over-ripe avacado
  • 2 Tbsp unflavored full-fat yogurt
  • 1 tsp olive oil
Mash banana and avacado, combine with other ingredients, and mix well. Apply liberally to face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Facial Mask to Exfoliate Your Skin
Tomato-Lemon Mask

  • 1 over-ripe tomato
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp instant oatmeal
Put all ingredients in blender, puree until smooth. Apply to face, let soak 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Facial Mask to Tighten Your Skin
Peach Mask

  • 1 ripe peach
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tsp unflavored full-fat yogurt
Peel and pit the peach. Blend together with egg white and yogurt until smooth. Pat gently onto face. Leave on 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Green Cauliflower provides double the amount of vitamin C found in the white variety, on part with
 Did you know that 36% of overweight individuals who were diagnosed with asthma and taking medications to control it didn't actually have the disease? Excess weight can decrease lung volume, causing wheezing and breathlessness.
 Orange Honeydew contains 28% more beta-carotene than its orange counterpart, cantaloupe.
 Yellow Carrots packed with lutein, keep your peepers healthy.
 Red (blood) oranges can help bolster your immune system since they have betacrytoxanthin which makes Vitamin A.